Are aromatherapy candles different than your average store bought candles?

  • YES! Aromatherapy candles are meant for exactly what they’re called, aromatherapy. They are meant to be lit for about a two hours maximum burn cycle to fully melt the top layer (burn pool) & fill your space with aroma while releasing its overall benefits, If you over burn your candles you can deplete the candles purpose & or ruin your wicks.

    9oz burn time 2 hour maximum
    16oz burn time 3 hour maximum

Do you have to trim candle wicks?

  • YES! If you want the most out of your candles you must trim your wicks about a 1/4 of an inch off the tip. Usually just trimming off the “mushroom” formed top is plenty, If you do not trim your wicks your candle will burn too fast & too hot. Pay attention to your wicks before each burn session.

What are moon melts?

  • Moon melts are wax melts that are small, aromatic pieces of wax designed to be gently heated to release their aromatherapy benefits. They're like candles but without the wick, meaning that they require an electric wax warmer to melt & diffuse the aromas. When in use, they melt completely to create an even aroma distribution. ONE is plenty to melt at a time! You get SIX moon melts in a pouch! You can set aside your pouch in a space of your choice to reap the aromatherapy benefits from the unopened moon melts before you’re ready to melt them. They have an amazing cold throw! & an even better hot throw once melted! Soy wax melts are great for allergies. One reason to choose wax melts over plug-in air fresheners is that all-natural organic soy wax melts are better for your allergies than plug-in air fresheners. Plug-in air fresheners contain chemicals such as naphthalene, benzene, toluene, & other dangerous substances!!!

What are the teabags made out of?

  • Java Gypsy tea bags are made from a plant-based material called polylactic acid (or PLA for short). PLA is an inert, DNA-free material that is produced by breaking down starches found in plant sources. Through this process, no plant DNA is left behind, making these hypoallergenic and allergen-free. PLA is NOT derived from petroleum & will not leak harmful plasticizers into your brew. True to our sourcing ethics & to help showcase Javagypsys high quality teas & botanicals, this material is purposefully sourced to provide you & your family with the safest & most delicious cup of tea!



  • How long will my order to arrive?

    • All packages, depending on the orders, leave my workshop within 2-5 business days. PLEASE NOTE: I am based in the North East & am subject to inclement weather which will delay ship out times, during this winter season. Thank you for your understanding.

    • Unfortunately, due to COVID-19 there is nothing I can do about shipping delays once the package leaves my shop. Every order comes with a tracking number which will be attached to invoice email you received.

  • How can I track my order?

    • You will receive an email with tracking information once your order has shipped. If for some reason you did not receive this information, let me know at:

  • What shipping method do you use?

    • I use Domestic USPS Priority Mail.

  • Do you ship internationally?

    • Not currently but will in the future.

  • Do you offer exchanges or returns?

    • Unfortunately, due to COVID-19, I do not currently accept returns or exchanges. If your item is lost it’s out of my control & I’m sorry. We will both have to wait 60-90 days while I file a claim, to be reimbursed. If for any reason you are unhappy with your purchase, please contact me at:

  • Can I send a candle as a gift?

    • Absolutely! If you would like a personalized typed note or if it's going directly to the recipient, just leave a message at checkout. I always want my customers to be satisfied.


Can I send a candle as a gift?

  • Absolutely! If you would like a personalized typed note or if it's going directly to the recipient; just make leave a message at checkout.

What is a massage oil candle?

  • All my candles are massage oil candles. They burn at a lower temperature, & the wax & oils are safe for your skin, so you can enjoy sensual time without risking any burns or irritation (always check ingredients before using any products.) My massage candles are made from organic soy/coconut wax (which melts at 102 degrees Fahrenheit, slightly higher than average body temperature), blended with pure organic essential oils, The low melting point designed to make space for the relaxing ritual. Unlike regular candles made from paraffin wax, massage candles melt into oil that gently penetrates the skin leaving it feeling smooth & moisturized.

How do you use a massage oil candle?

  • If you decide to use Java Gypsy candles for a massage I suggest lighting the candle for 15-30 minutes, blow out the flame, let the candle cool for two minutes, pour the oil over your skin & gently massage it in. The first time you light the candle, you should let it burn for however long it takes for the entire top to burn evenly; this will keep the candle from tunneling.

Why soy & coconut wax?

  • I chose to work with soy & coconut wax for a variety of reasons. I love that it's an 100% renewable resource & carbon neutral. I love that it burns more cleanly & better yet, for a longer period of time unlike paraffin. I love the way soy & coconut wax smells mixed with a good hand crafted oil. Soy & coconut wax candles are better for the environment & your health: they are non-toxic & burn cleaner than paraffin wax. It produces as much as 90% less soot than paraffin wax. This soot can blacken walls, ceilings, & furniture, contaminate ventilation ductwork in your home, & most importantly, add toxic carcinogens into the air that you breathe. Soy also helps U.S. farmers by creating important economic growth for the agricultural sector of the US economy.

Can the jar be repurposed?

  • When a 1/4" of wax remains, discontinue use of candle. Place your candle in the freezer, & once the wax hardens, it can be chipped out along with the wick. If there is more than a little bit of wax left, I recommend running the bottom portion of the jar under hot water for a minute & the wax will release from the glass. Carefully & simply remove the wax & wipe clean. Soap & water can then be used to remove the wax residue. Use to store pens, paint brushes, use as a cup, plant succulents in or just recycle

Why do you sell out of certain candles?

  • Unlike most candle companies, I am a one woman army! Everything I sell I make myself & it takes a lot of time. Most of my products are prepared far in advance so their highest potency can be reached for the time I want to distribute them to you all! I have many different plants, herbs & flowers I want to make into products to share with you all but I go based off what is available in my gardens during that season it is being prepared.

What is the difference between Javagypsy candles & store bought (B&BW?)

  • Many people are not aware of the harsh & toxic chemicals most candle companies put into their products. Just like you, I used to spend tons of money on B&BW candles unknowingly exposing my family to impure products. If you’re going to burn candles for months on end in your home with the windows closed during most of the year, you must know what you’re putting into your air & lungs.

    A direct quote off of the B&BW website states: “B&BW currently offers two different formulas of wax for our candles. The main ingredients for all formulas are vegetable wax, paraffin wax, & soy. Our Signature Collection Candles are considered vegetable wax candles. Although soy is an ingredient, our candles are not considered soy candles.”

  • Now you’re probably wondering what is paraffin wax? well I will tell you a little about it. Most candles today are made of paraffin wax or blends containing paraffin, which creates highly toxic benzene & toluene when burned (both are known carcinogens). In fact, the toxins released from paraffin candles are the same as those found in diesel fuel fumes & are linked to asthma & lung cancer.

    My candles contain 0 paraffin!! My candles are 100% organic soy wax & 100% organic, pure cold pressed oils.

Are your products all natural?

  • The word “natural” is tossed around more often than not & assumed to just mean “healthy”. Most body-care products on store shelves contain a myriad of unnatural ingredients, sourced & processed in unnatural ways. Many products labeled "natural" contain harsh preservatives or synthetic ingredients with environmental concerns. When it comes to labeling natural products, some companies simply add a couple of natural ingredients & market the product as "made with natural ingredients." In reality, the product is filled with mostly synthetic fillers, dyes, & fragrances. These companies also claim to use ingredients that "come from natural sources," but these ingredients are far from natural after all the chemicals are added in the processing of the ingredient. My products are home grown with no chemicals or additives, I use 100% organic materials!

Are your candles safe for children/babies to inhale?

  • ABSOLUTELY!!! Safe inhalation was the main reason I started Java Gypsy! My candles & products are chemical free & safe for your children to inhale & use.

How do you use smudge sticks?

  • All varieties of smudge sticks focused on healing. They’re all known for psychic protection, tranquility & opening the third eye & crown chakras. Sage is a commonly used smudge & is a sacred herb known for its healing power & clearing negative energy. Any smudge bundle you choose from Javagypsy will hold strong healing properties, & has a sweet feminine aroma

  • HOW TO USE SMUDGE STICK: Meditate, find peace & stillness.. light smudge, blow out flame, you’ll see orange embers appear.. let white smoke purify your sacred space. Go from corner to corner with love & light affirmations, cleansing away negative energies. do this for as long as you’d like & anywhere you feel needs cleansing. You can cleanse items, people & spaces!